Welcome to Evergreen Enterprises

  • Togo Boxes

    Sturdy, sustainable to-go boxes: perfect for food packaging, biodegradable, eco-conscious, enhancing takeaway experience with environmental responsibility and practical design.

  • Togo Bags

    Eco-friendly, durable to-go bags designed for convenience, sustainability, and style. Perfect for businesses and individuals who value environmental responsibility

What we do

Evergreen Enterprises Ltd offers

Evergreen Enterprises Ltd., established in 1986, is a pioneer in the sustainable packaging industry. We specialize in eco-friendly to-go boxes, bags, and plastic utensils, catering to a diverse range of sectors. Our commitment to environmental responsibility drives our innovation in creating biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable products. Our products not only reduce environmental impact but also maintain high standards of quality and functionality. Serving clients globally, we continuously strive to revolutionize the single-use packaging market, aligning our business practices with our vision for a greener, more sustainable future. Choose Evergreen for packaging solutions that care for the planet.

  • Togo Boxes
  • Togo Bags
  • Plastic Utensils
  • Plastic Cups